How to Say Hello to a Dog You Don’t Know


Most canines don’t like it when a stranger runs over to them and tries to pat their heads

Follow these simple steps when greeting a new pooch:
1) Ask the dog’s owner if it’s ok to say hi - canines can’t speak and look to their owners to be their best advocates. The owner will know if the pup is nervous or scared, and will let you know if it’s alright to say hi.
2) Let the pup say hello to you first
- dogs have feeling too and might not be in the mood to be petted. Let them be the ones to come up to you first. You’ll be glad you did.
3) Take things slow
- nothing can scare canines more than rushing over and trying to grab them. Just take it easy and approach them slowly. Patience is key.
4) Don’t make direct eye contact or stare
- does it put you at ease when someone stares at you? Dogs are the same, so don’t make direct eye contact.
5) Don’t approach the canine from behind
- canines don’t like to be surprised and coming up behind might scare them.
6) Avoid reaching over the pooch’s head
- the pup might think you are trying to grab or hurt them.
7) Crouch down to their level
- it’ll make the dog more comfortable if you crouch down and meet them where they’re at.
8) Place your hand out so the dog can sniff you
- this allows the dog to get to know you at their pace
9) Read the canine’s body language
- if the dog is rigid, shaking or has their tail tucked under them, you’ll know this is a bad idea.
10) Don’t encourage bad behavior
- if the pooch is barking or jumping up on you, you don’t want the canine to think their actions are ok.
11) If the pup is scared or nervous, move on
- the dog just might not be into it, and that’s ok. If that’s the case, why torture the dog and yourself? Just say goodbye to the owner & dog and walk away.


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