Helping Shelter Dogs with Kristen

Photo Credit: Nashville Humane Association

Photo Credit: Nashville Humane Association

What can you do to help canines in rescues? Kristen gives some insight on how to get involved.

I started volunteering at Nashville Humane Association in 2013. I always loved animals and thought it would be a great way to help. Going to the shelter is always a highlight for me: walking the dogs, getting puppy kisses and seeing a canine get adopted and go to his or her forever home. Ahhh, there is nothing like it! Through the years, I nudged friends who were dog lovers to volunteer too, but there was always some hesitance. I recently spoke to Kristen, the volunteer coordinator at NHA, for some advice I could give my friends who might want to help out at dog rescues.

What is the first step someone should take to help shelter dogs?

The first thing someone should do is decide what's the best fit for them: volunteering, fostering, donating, adopting or spreading awareness. Not everyone will be able to volunteer or foster, but maybe they could donate, or vice versa! There are so many ways to help out shelters and the animals they care for. I suggest checking the website for the rescue you'd like to help out at to see what opportunities they have to offer and which one sounds like the right fit for you.

Do different shelters provide different ways to help?

Yes! Volunteer opportunities are usually tailored to the specific needs of a shelter, so they will vary from shelter to shelter.

Photo Credit: Nashville Humane Association

Photo Credit: Nashville Humane Association

What are the volunteer opportunities at Nashville Humane Association?

Our volunteer program is broken into 5 Teams which are focused on different areas and needs in our shelter: Dog Care, Cat Care, Pet Services (adoptions), Community Outreach and Shelter Operations (cleaning, admin, etc.). We are also in the process of building out a Vet Services Team. Each of these teams has a number of volunteer activities, so no matter what a volunteer is interested in or skilled at, there's a good fit for them here.

What is the process of becoming a volunteer at NHA?

Anyone interested in volunteering must submit an online application through our website. If they meet our volunteer requirements (such as age, availability, and commitment), then their application will be accepted and they will be able to start their volunteer training. Training varies based on the team they are interested in, but always consists of some online training followed by an in-person shadow day where they get to learn on the job. There are also advanced training opportunities available to volunteers who would like to take on more responsibilities here at the shelter.

Sonic gives a big smile! Photo Credit: Nashville Humane Association

Sonic gives a big smile! Photo Credit: Nashville Humane Association

How much time does someone need to dedicate to volunteer at NHA?

We have a 4 hours-per-month requirement, which equals about 2 shifts per month. This consistency not only benefits the animals and the shelter, but the volunteers as well since it allows them to stay up to date on everything going on here. We also request that incoming volunteers commit to 6 months of volunteering.

Is there a dress code?

Yes! We provide all volunteers with a NHA Volunteer T-shirt as well as a fannypack to hold the supplies needed while volunteering. Those are required to be worn so volunteers can be easily identified by staff, the public, and each other. Closed toed shoes are required for all volunteer activities, and long pants are always recommended when working directly with the animals.

Photo Credit: Nashville Humane Association

Photo Credit: Nashville Humane Association

Do volunteers help out in emergencies?

Volunteers are an integral part of our shelter. Levels of involvement vary a bit from each volunteer, but we have a large number of highly involved volunteers in all areas and efforts of our shelter. Disaster relief has become a large part of what we have done in the last year or so, and the volunteers have played a major role in all of those efforts. They've jumped in every time we needed them, and it continues to pleasantly surprise me how quickly we're able to get a team together to go out and help the community in emergency situations.

What do you say to people that say they can't volunteer because it's too sad or they'll want to take every dog home?

The more love and care these animals have, the better their lives will be at NHA. Even though the thought of them being in a shelter might make you sad at first, spending your time caring for these animals will bring all of you so much joy. It is so worth it! We're all animal lovers here, and even on the hard days, I can tell you we're still very happy to have made the decision to be here helping these animals.

Photo Credit: Nashville Humane Association

Photo Credit: Nashville Humane Association

What happens if a volunteer gets bit by a dog or other mishap occurs?

We have incident protocols that differ based on the situation, but it's usually required that volunteers report any mishaps to a staff member (me, if I'm here) so we can get them first aid or medical care. We would fill out an incident report together so we all understand the circumstances of the situation and how to address it.

What's the best way for someone to get more information on volunteering at NHA and how can they apply?

Our website has a wealth of information about all of our programs, including our volunteer program! Everything you need to know can be found there, along with our application.

Photo Credit: Nashville Humane Association

Photo Credit: Nashville Humane Association

Here are some tips from Kristen on how you can help shelter dogs:

1. If you're ready for a new family member, adopt!

2. Donate funds and/or items. Every little bit helps.

3. Make sure your pets are spayed/neutered and up-to-date on vaccines and preventatives. This helps prevent overpopulation and dogs having to be surrendered due to an illness their family can't manage.

4. Foster a dog. This helps expand the shelter's capacity and reach, which goes a LONG way in helping homeless dogs. Plus they’ll learn how to be part of a home! You can also help families or individuals who might not be able to afford the foster’s vet care by raising funds, helping with transport to a local, low cost spay/neuter clinic, etc.

5. Volunteer

6. Follow a shelter's social media accounts and share their content to increase their reach and following

7. Sponsor a dog's adoption fee

8. Attend shelter events. That's a big way we bring in money to support the animals here.

9. Do research: follow animal welfare organizations and shelters, read articles, watch documentaries, etc. Learn more about the issues we face today. The more you know, the more you can do to help.

10. Work at a shelter or in the field of animal rescue

11. Be an educator and advocate for adoption, responsible pet ownership, and all aspects of animal welfare. Be our voice in your community.

12. Communicate to your local representatives that animal welfare is an important issue to you and that you want it to be a priority in your area

Wow, these are great tips Kristen! It looks like everyone can do something to help a dog in a shelter, even if they don’t have time to volunteer. Thank you for all this amazing information and see you at NHA soon!

For Nashville Humane Association’s website, click/tap here

For more information on volunteering at NHA, click/tap here

To fill out a NHA volunteering application, click/tap here

For NHA’s Facebook page, click/tap here

For NHA’s Instagram account, click/tap here

To donate at NHA, click/tap here


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